Just another voice in the vast internet trying to communicate all things human. I hope you can navigate your own way with the menu on the left.

Learning to swim

Learning to swim

Who taught you to swim?

I don't remember being happy when I was learning how to swim. Some strange lady grabbing a kickboard at Lakewood City pool (or some place like it) and telling me to kick my legs. “Keep kicking, keep kicking!”. When I finally learned to actually swim, it was because someone threw me in the deep end and didn't immediately save me. I had to figure it out for myself.  

My daughter is learning to swim.

Today I was watching my daughter figure it out on her own and she was loving it. No kickboard. No yelling. No screeching lady in some city pool. Just a warm spa and dad watching on. I did have a few words for her, watch the video and listen for yourself. 

Hope your summer comes with some fun lessons too! Thanks for reading!

Feeling needy.

Feeling needy.

To my father(s)

To my father(s)