Just another voice in the vast internet trying to communicate all things human. I hope you can navigate your own way with the menu on the left.

Crack the glass

Crack the glass


I crack the glass on the way upstairs
Make the banister vibrate and clatter
Roll the kids up in carpets
Run a bath with my headphones blasting
Banished back with a dead lip smatter
And just pack on

Crawl inside my minimum at least
Stop the mind and whirly whirl
Open to unconsciousness
Armchair tactician calling it in

Come to in the middle of my morning coffee
Clean the carpet soaked of coke and rum
Make another mess of the morning after
Shower until I am completely burdened
Forgetting who I have become
And just stack on

So easy to be sullen and frustrated
Making the day brighter but still glum
Traversing the narrow mindset
Commuter trains and aeroplanes

Get home in time for Jeopardy
I will take it all for five hundred Alex
Kick off the shoes and die on the couch
Watch the clock and sink in slowly
Delivered into the perpetuation
And just crack on

The Lesson

The Lesson

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!