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Idea Beetle

Idea Beetle

Those ideas really stink!

Here’s a little tool for you and all your “Big Ideas.” Using the shape of a beetle and its six legs, write the name of the concept or idea at the head/top and then fill in the description for the body/bottom to form the head and body of the beetle. Next, answer the questions for each leg as you go around the beetle:

  • a) Is the concept of the idea simple?

  • b) Is the idea unexpected?

  • c) Is the idea concrete? Can you visualize it in your head?

  • d) Is the idea credible, and is there enough detail?

  • e) Is the idea emotional? What does it make people feel?

  • f) Is there a story? How do you tell others about the idea?

You might think you have a really good idea, but by evaluating it against a set of established questions, you can quickly test its robustness.

Give it a try! The worst that could happen is that you feed the beetle another rotten idea.

Idea totally stolen from:
Origin: BBC, 2013 / Chip & Dan Heath, 2007

Full of Love

Full of Love

Memento Mori

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